Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Start of Something New

Yes indeedee mateys, this here blog could be the start of something new and something wonderful! When you have a mind like mine, filled to capacity and running over with ideas on architecture and urban design ( in truth, ideas on how to REDECORATE America ) you need a place to dump some of those excess thoughts.....ahem, I mean share some of those thoughts with others, and this blog is going to be the space to do that.

The best place to start would be to give an outline of what we'll cover, but alas, outlines were something I never was good at making, so I'll just tell you what I believe in instead and the following posts are bound to fall in line with this thinking.

  • All design should have two important features...practicality and beauty. Or in more popular terms, Art and Function. Beauty must exist with practicality in order for any place to be pleasing to the eye and bring happiness to the heart.

  • GREENERY is all important when it comes to urban design. Trees are not only important for purifying the air but they add stability and a sense of permanence to any location. Without them we'd feel like we're living in an artificial "man-made" pre-fabricated community ...which in fact, most of us DO live in.

  • A respect for the enviroment should be evident throughout the design/construction process; buildings made energy efficient, materials made with a minimum amount of waste, and a city operating very "healthily".

  • And last but not least....ECONOMY. Yes, all these points would be of not much use to the average citizen if they are not made affordable.
And now, enough chit-chat, let's start exploring The Wonderful World of Design.

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